Medidata provides a comprehensive and accurate New Zealand Healthcare professional and organisation database.
The Medidata database is above the 95% NZ Post accuracy threshold which enables us to gain maximum discounted bulk mail postage rates on your behalf.
We support organisations seeking to engage with healthcare professionals and organisations with a range of tailored marketing services.
Medidata’s Healthcare Professional Database is New Zealand’s most accurate database of medical, pharmacy, dental and veterinary professionals.
Medidata offers the most tailored range of mailhouse services available to the health sector in New Zealand utilising both electronic and traditional mail channels.
Medidata provides customised and cost-effective supply; adherence and patient education programmes - meeting your needs and those of your patients.
A SamplesFirst Card is an easy, cost-effective way to generate leads for your sales reps and get your products and product information into the GP market.
Medidata can manage your medical events from ‘go to whoa’ - freeing you up to focus on the message you want to deliver to the HCPs attending.
Medidata can connect you with the valued opinions
of more than 20,000 HCPs.