162 Kitchener Rd, Milford, Auckland 0620, New Zealand | Call us at +64 9 488 4278

Welcome to Medidata

Medidata Services Privacy Policy

Who are we?

Medidata Services Ltd (‘Medidata’, ‘we’, ‘our’, ‘us’) is a New Zealand company which provides database use services to the professional healthcare market (both human and non-human markets) and maintains databases of New Zealand healthcare professionals (HCPs) for this purpose. We assist organisations seeking to engage with HCPs with a range of tailored marketing services to support you and keep you informed with up-to-date healthcare information. These database services include the collection and validation of HCP data, including personal information, which is used by Medidata and its clients.


The information we collect about HCPs

Some of the HCP information we collect is personal information as defined in the Privacy Act 2020.

We comply with the Privacy Act relating to the use, storage, disclosure and correction of Personal Information, and this policy is intended to support that.

The Personal Information we collect from HCPs includes:

  • Name
  • Preferred mailing address
  • Place of work (can be multiple)
  • Mobile (where provided)
  • Email (where provided)
  • Medical Registration Number
  • HPI Number

We do not collect personal credit card or bank account information, or other more personally sensitive information. 

Medidata collects information only with the permission of each HCP concerned (or as is lawfully publicly available), and then seeks to confirm the details held, either annually or bi-annually, by email or letter with each HCP. We also collect information from publicly available websites, directories and healthcare registration databases, visits from healthcare representatives and our own mailing distribution services.

All additions/changes are verified by phone if not received directly from the relevant HCP. Any new HCP additions will automatically receive a letter to confirm their details, select their email/mail preferences and opt out if preferred.


What is this information used for?

Medidata and its clients use this data, including potentially your personal information depending on the client engagement brief, to provide relevant and timely medical information to New Zealand HCP’s only, including:

  • Communication of medicine recalls and supply issues;
  • Changes to medicines funding and licensing and packaging changes;
  • Invitations to medical education meetings, webcasts and events;
  • Inviting participation in medical related market research;
  • Pharmaceutical medicines information and samples.
  • Invitations to receive medical publications

We do not allow your personal information to be used by anyone else outside the scope defined above and below.


Disclosure of information to our database clients and use by them

In addition to communications to you directly from Medidata, data from the database (but generally excluding email contact details) is supplied to third parties associated with the New Zealand healthcare sector, including without limitation New Zealand government departments, and suppliers to the healthcare sector in New Zealand generally, including pharmaceutical and medical device companies, other suppliers, and medical insurers. We may do so in return for payment of a fee by that third party.

The HCP data, including personal information, is supplied on conditions governed by Medidata’s standard licence agreement including provisions which require compliance with the New Zealand Privacy Act 2020.  This data is used for some of the purposes outlined above as specified in each licence agreement.

Some of these third parties are related to multinational organisations or may otherwise have processes which involve the transfer of your personal information outside New Zealand. We cannot control that.  In our dealings with those third parties, we stipulate that the use of your personal information (including any overseas transfers) must only be for the New Zealand healthcare-sector purposes as described above, and not for any other purpose, and in accordance with New Zealand privacy law requirements or stronger for your protection.  However, we are unable to ensure the complete and absolute security and control of your personal information once transferred to any third party.

If we ever sell our business, we reserve the right to provide access to your personal information to any potential purchaser for that purpose, and then possibly a transfer of your personal data to any buyer, to be used on the same or substantially similar terms.


How we store and protect your personal information

We store all HCP data, including all personal information, as securely as reasonably possible in accordance with current and up to date industry approved data security standards.  We may use reputable data hosting service providers based in New Zealand or offshore to do that for us.  We only allow those members of our staff to access that data when needed and only for the above purposes.  The terms relating to the disclosure of HCP data to our clients is as outlined above. All electronic transfers of data are securely encrypted.


Use by our related company

We may also allow your personal information to be used by our related company Research Review Limited but only for the same or substantially similar types of services as those described above, and within the New Zealand Healthcare sector only.


Updating your information

Any healthcare professional has the right to request a copy, to correct or request removal of their Personal Information at any time by contacting Medidata at updates@medidata.co.nz,             

ph: 09 488 4278, or PO Box 31348 Milford 0741.


Policy last updated: September 2024

Count Request